When dealing with adversities, I usually don’t like talking about negative stuff. I spent so much of my life focused on drama that I do my best to stay away from it. Now with that being said, I have gone through my fair share of adversities. I’ve had my victories, but I’ve also had my lessons in failure too. That’s probably the most important thing- even if something doesn’t work out, as long you learned something, it’s still a victory. That took me so long to learn and appreciate, so the sooner you learn that the better. I have a lot of people around me who are very negative. I had to draw a lot of emotional boundaries with those people, and learn to not share my growth and upcoming ventures, because I would often get vetted with every possible horrible bad-case scenario in the book. Even as a child I didn’t always listen to people when they told me, “You can’t do that!” or, “That’s impossible!” or my absolute favorite, “THATS WIERD.” So to make a long story short, I’ve learned that dealing with negative loved ones you have 3 options.
Emotional boundaries. Harder said than done, to be honest. # 3 might be required for a short amount of time in order to make this work and get you in the right head space to handle that kind of feedback and projections
Don’t talk to them about it. I know I know, all this amazingness you’ve got going on and you can’t tell those closest to you!? Probably not the best idea if they are going to tell you how your going to fail, or that you can’t. Loose lips sink ships around negative Nancy’s
CUT EM OUT! This is so hard y’all, but at some point you have to to what is best for yourself. Everyone deserves to be happy, but it’s not your responsibility to stay in someone’s life if they refuse to let you have yours. You’ll have to choose yourself over them. Time may make you stronger or help them change, but when building yourself, your business, your family and your daydream, having those around you who will pump fear into that are the last thing we need getting into your magical manifestation energy!
Okay next is your OUTLOOK: Gratitude, appreciation, positivity, honesty, passion and enthusiasm. You can do anything, you are the master of your own universe. The world is yours, you just have to make it so! Some of you may think I sound like a crazy person. That’s something you’ll have to change too. Believing your dreams are possible and opening yourself up to those dreams is on a whole other level. Not just wishing that what you want will happen, but seeing it. Knowing the way it will feel, and how your going to make it happen or what you’ll do once you’ve reached your goal, is the key. See yourself in a better place, know you will get these, and accept nothing in your life that sets you back or takes you from that path. This is not an overnight practice. Most recent thing I manifested was my Disneyland birthday trip, and I did that in 30 Days! Some things take years, like having control over my emotions. I can’t tell you how many hard lessons I had to learn because I couldn’t control the way I dealt with my feelings, or how many times I wished I could just be different and pray for the day that I am the way I am today. Slowly but surely, over time that day came. The more I did to control myself, the more I could see the person I wanted to be, and how she would act and react to things. Now here I am, writing a blog post about how to deal with adversity and it doesn’t just say “SMASH” (hulk voice) Again, long story short, the key to success and dealing with adversity is definitely being a glass half-full kind of person! Finally my biggest and last lesson is focus on your end goal when problems arise. Too many people I know have a problem arise in front of them, and they can only imagine one or two ways that they can get over that problem. Take a bigger step back and see the photo in full. When you look at the endgame, what is required, and what you can do differently between now and then to get you there, it’s really just as simple as that. Optimism is key! A big part in being optimistic is also being grateful! I recently did a 30 Days of Gratitude challenge on Instagram, and it completely changed my life! I loved thinking of new little things to be grateful for each day, and as it got harder I became more aware of the small things I really love and appreciate. You definitely want to use this, even when dealing with the smallest problems. Now don’t go around thinking optimism will get you a new car, help you lose weight, or find your true love. It’s your job to take a test drive, eat right, exercise and go on a few dates, but if you have an amazing optimistic attitude, I guarantee you’ll have a great time, get closer to your goals, and even if you don’t succeed you’ll have learned a lesson. Then you can get back up and try again! So there it is, 3 simple but not so easy steps to overcoming adversity. But nothing great ever comes easy and your dreams are on the other side of your grit. Go get them!